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South West Outlook | Thiink Market Update

South West Outlook | Thiink Market Update

The Greater Macarthur Growth Area pivots on Campbelltown and Macarthur regions. The planned growth corridor is focused north and south of our metropolitan centres will provide a major boost the economy, encourage local investment and deliver high quality employment, education, recreation and housing opportunities.

Planning is an important process a successful outcome will benefit residents and property owners across Sydney’s South West. This will see a growing support and revitalisation plan set to deliver high quality employment opportunities, services and education close to home for South West residents.

• 12 Major precincts.
• New major transport corridors across the South West.
• Three new east west roads across all new land releases.
• Connection of Western Sydney Airport rail line to Macarthur.
• New homes and jobs near rail stations.
• New town centre at Menangle Park.
• New community facilities, schools, shops and parks.

Commercial and industrial is a key part of the proposed planning beneficiary with a target of over 40,000 new jobs to be created within the proposed growth locations supporting surrounding existing and future residential communities.

The goals to achieve this is by rezoning of key land sites within Campbelltown, Ingleburn, Minto with proposed new planning controls to increase building height and support increased levels of commercial and retail land uses. Glenlee is also being considered as a new employment centre.

Whilst Thiink are in general support of the changes and outlook It is important for local owners of land within the proposed planning centres to become familiar with the proposed changes and what this means for them.

We invite you to contact Greg Langford on 0428 128 488 or Anna Sarkis on 0428 609 282 to discuss how our team can ‘add value’ to your commercial or industrial property and set the new benchmark for any of your real estate needs for Sales, Leasing or Property Management.

Greg Langford | Director
M 0428 128 488
Anna Sarkis | Director
M 0428 609 282



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